1:1 Style Coaching


This is one service that lasts a month and is broken up into 4 weeks.

Per session coaching in how to identify your personal style, your blockages towards fully expressing yourself and how that connects with you living authentically.

This service includes a virtual:

  • Week 1 | Wardrobe Consultation | 30 mins - Going through your closet and seeing what’s in there, why it’s there, if it needs to stay there and what you really want to add.

    Week 2 | Coaching Session (about you) | 1 hr. - You are important. We'll uncover the person behind the clothes, and maybe some patterns and behaviors lurking around!

    Week 3 | Follow Up Call | 15 mins.- Checking in to see how you are doing, while discussing any setbacks (if applicable), and how the tips and strategies are being implemented.

    Week 4 | Seven (Strategy Call) 45 mins. - Where you see yourself going. (This number represents completeness and we will focus on how you are resolving any issues related to your personal style/creating a shopping strategy for future reference.)

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