the Blog

Doing Life in Style

Style is more than how you look, but how you do life in general. It’s how you speak to people, what you say when you’re in the room, how you carry yourself, and it’s in the way you express your fashion.

Doing Life In Style encompasses how you show up in this world holistically. It’s your prayer life, your relationships with people and the one you have with yourself. How are you doing life?

This blog journeys how I’m navigating this world as a black woman who is parenting an amazing son who lights up any room. I’m learning how to be, growing in the stillness, and evolving into the fully embodied person I was created to be.


LaTeisha Clément LaTeisha Clément

Learning How to Love Being With Self

As a black woman, living in the States, it is all too common to recognize the power and “presumable” threat of your blackness…
It’s not right, yet the oppression is all-too-often normalized. However, we deserve to live and dance in the nuances of life, just like everybody else. We can be soft, and complex, freely expressing ALL of our emotions, without being labeled. We deserve it all.

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Womanhood LaTeisha Clément Womanhood LaTeisha Clément

How to Be Single

From the cover of the movie with Rebel Wilson in the cast, alongside Dakota Johnson, Alison Brie, and Leslie Mann, I expected to watch a raunchy rom-com and laugh giddily throughout. But the film surprised me.

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Womanhood LaTeisha Clément Womanhood LaTeisha Clément

On Letting Go

It takes a while to realize that you’ve been holding onto something for dear life, until you are forced to let it go.

I had to face this truth head on when I realized how desperately I was holding onto fear.

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LaTeisha Clément LaTeisha Clément

the Veggie

Adyre Mason, who was once a Systems Engineer and founder of the No Compromise, blog turned magazine, which we will get into later, is now fully invested as Chef and Owner of The Veggie.  From the name itself, you may have already guessed that Adyre, is (drumroll please) …vegan! 

Her transition into being “veggie" (aka vegan) and partnering in the food industry is a culmination of a spiritual awakening and her mom’s passing.

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